Monday, May 12, 2008

Been a slack blogger!!

Sorry it has been sometime since I last posted BUT finally I am getting good hours at work, I have been doing 34 - 38 hrs in 4 day but this week I have got 5 days 44 hrs and I couldn't b happier @ work, I am cooking 2 full days a week and 3.5 hrs(thursnight).

Mothers day!!

I had a wonderful day, Dylan made me crumpets with vegimite (my favourite) and green tea and then I was given a square griddle pan, dinner set and double deep fryer.

Well will try and update more than I have been.

Gail!! I hope you knee is getting better, remember to rest and do what your Dr says.

Simone!! I hope your sickness is not getting u down to much, remember to look on the bright side .... TWINS!!!

Haylee!!! I hope your ear is feeling better, nothing worse than an ear infection that won't go away.


Mumma_Mone said...

Welcome back to the world of blogging neen, good to see your getting more hours now.

KAYCEE said...

hi. What about Charlee's little Post. I hope i hold you she has been sick.OOPS if not.
Anyways glade you have been working heaps. love ya